Stationery Product and Office Consumables
We will supply the most important items that are essential in office use such as bond paper, till rolls, general books, files and folders, envelopes, pens and pen holders, white boards, markers, cash registers, binding machines, calculators, and phone’s.
Computers & Accessories
We source advanced Computers, Graphics cards, Hard drive, Wireless mouse, Tablets, keyboards, Printers and Scanners.
Office Furniture
We can provide you with comfortable modern office chairs, stools, workstations, sofas, cabinets, lockers, safes, and office desks.
Electrical & Machinery
We supply wide range of electrical products from reputable brands backed by manufacturer warranties such as electrical fittings, cables, air conditioning, generators, torches, generator parts, etc.
Hardware Products
We supply security fittings, building materials, building tools, paints, garden tools, angles, braces and brackets.
Medical Equipment
Through our reputable source we supply medical gloves, stretchers, first aid kits, audio meters, adhesive tape, assist cane, cotton swabs, scoop stretchers, toothpaste, insulin pump, elastic bandages, etc.
Personal Protective Equipment
Our safety and protective clothing department can supply safety glasses, work suits, gloves, protective boots, industrial cleaning chemicals, helmets and many more.